Monday, August 20, 2012


Well, here goes a new one.  After not being able to do a marathon, some co-works and I decided to do the Insanity workout.  We actually did the full 60 days.  But we didn't do any of the nutrition plans nor did we change anything regarding our diet.  We didn't take any before and after pictures, nor did we track anything except our fit test.  And even that we were a bit spotty, which you can see from my test tracking sheet.

To be honest, I did catch her checking me out, when I worked out at home and was about to jump in the shower.  That was a good night...LOL...Once we were finished, the wife mentioned that she could see a physical change in me. My self named "Root Beer Belly" is almost gone, but not my side spare tires.  I do have more energy and I feel better.  My close fit and even a few pair of shorts are a bit big on me.  But every time I get on the scale, I haven't lost a single pound.  Both of my co-workers have mentioned the same, and have even mentioned that they gained a few pounds.  We're calling it "muscle mass"

So after taken two weeks off, we decided to do it again, but this time, we are going to follow some type of diet.  Personally I'm going to follow, as best as I can, the Insanity nutrition plan.  I've even decided to....wait for it....give up beer for 60 days.  I figured if I'm going to put myself through this again, I better see more results.  And besides, I can afford to stop drinking, it's not that important to me.  Yes I said it.

Fit Test Started 6/4 through 8/5

MoveFit Test 1Fit Test 2Fit Test 3Fit Test 4Fit Test 5
1. Switch Kicks5763676972
2. Power Jacks3546495356
3. Power Knees5065857565
4. Power Jumps1021313540
5. Globe Jumps33468
6. Suicide Jumps10117912
7. Push-Up Jacks1322132226
8. Low Plank Oblique1821182125

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